"Comfort Building Phase" Full Explanation1
When an appointment is arranged with a woman who exchanged a contact in "ACS Model" in "Attraction Phase", in "Comfort Building Phase" we must perform the following (1) to (7), including the preparation (1) to (3).
(1) Decide the "TLS" place
Where to do "Seduction Phase", if we have an appointment with the woman we exchanged contacts with, we have to decide first.
We must decide first = "TLS": (The Location of Seduction phase)
The specific requirement for "TSL" is that the closer it is to the place where "Comfort Building Phase" is to be executed, the better.
It must be a non-public place such as a home or a love hotel.
If the "TLS" is a love hotel, make sure we know the location of the love hotel near the bar or restaurant where the "Comfort Building Phase" will be run, before making an appointment.
It is recommended that "TLS" be decided before offering an appointment and we make an appointment in the area close to "TLS".
(2) Decide on the "TLCB"
Once we have decided on the "TLS", decide where to run the "Comfort Building Phase" = "TLCB": (The Location of Comfort Building phase).
The "TLCB" can be decided, at the worst case, on the day, because of an imminent appointment. But the "one's favorite restaurant" that we have been to many times is the best.
As for the specific conditions of "TLCB", it is better to sit next to each other because it is easy to "Kino". One thing to keep in mind is that when we go to a bar with a good atmosphere like...a bar mainly for couple or a private room of izakaya, women often think "This man is trying to seduce me".
If the "Attract Rate" is high, there is no problem, but if she has a boyfriend or women with a strong sense of chastity should avoid such places, as we should not show and not let her sense "be sexually interested in" before "SOI".
(3) Create a game plan
As for the topic of talking with women in "Comfort Building Phase", until we get used to appointments, it's a good idea to set them as "Game Plan" as follows.
(Game Plan)
Start of appointment: 22: 00 ~
"Cube test": 22: 10 ~
"Love Pilgrimage open Routine": 22: 30 ~
"DHV Story": 23: 00 ~
"Five-bet question game": 23: 20 ~
"DHV Story": 23: 30 ~
"SOI": 23: 40 ~
"Champagne routine": 23: 50 ~
As described above, by deciding in advance what to talk about with the woman, we can cut "I don't know what to say" situation.
We can control the flow and direction of conversation with women and take the initiative.
= "PUA must always be proactive"
"Comfort Building Phase" takes about 2 ~ 4 hours. In the flow of conversation with women, we can see what values she places on and what she wants now.
By focusing on these areas, it is easy to build a relationship of trust without taking much time, so you can jet up the sarging and the time can be further shortened.
「コンフォート ビルディング フェーズ」の完全解説
「ACSモデル」の「Attraction フェーズ」で連絡先交換をした女性とアポイントメントが組めた場合、「Comfort Building フェーズ」は、事前準備である①~③を含めて、以下の①~⑦のことを実行しなければなりません。
① 「TLS」を決定する
「Seduction フェーズ」を実行する場所
= 「TLS」: (The Location of Seduction phase)は
「TSL」の具体的な条件は、「Comfort Building フェーズ」を実行する場所から、近ければ近いほどよく、自宅やラブホテルなどのノンパブリックな場所でなければならない。
「TLS」がラブホテルの場合、「Comfort Building フェーズ」を実行するバーやレストラン周辺のラブホテルの位置をアポ前に必ず視認しておくこと。
② 「TLCB」を決定する
「TLS」が決まったら、「Comfort Building フェーズ」を実行する場所= 「TLCB」: (The Location of Comfort Building phase)を決めること。
「Attract 率」が高ければ問題ないが、彼氏持ちの女性や、
③ ゲームプランを作成する
「Comfort Building フェーズ」で女性と話す内容、話題は、
アポ開始 : 22:00~
「キューブテスト」: 22:10~
「恋愛遍歴引き出しルーティーン」: 22:30~
「DHVストーリー」: 23:00~
「ファイブベッドクエスチョンゲーム」: 23:20~
「SOI」: 23:40~
「シャンパンルーティン」 : 23:50~
「DHVストーリー」: 23:00~
「ファイブベッドクエスチョンゲーム」: 23:20~
「SOI」: 23:40~
「シャンパンルーティン」 : 23:50~
= 「PUAは、常に主体的でなければならない」ということだ。
「Comfort Building フェーズ」の所用時間は約2~4時間程度だ。女性との会話の流れの中で、彼女自身が何に価値観を置いていて、現状、何を求めているのかがわかる。
「Comfort Building フェーズ」の所用時間は約2~4時間程度だ。女性との会話の流れの中で、彼女自身が何に価値観を置いていて、現状、何を求めているのかがわかる。
jet up/素早く動く
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