Pickup Glossary in Japan
Pickup Glossary in Japan
When you pick up girls on the street, a variety of technical terms appear in the picking up world. Most of them can be googled, but here are some common terms(mainly nouns) to make our blog easier to read.
・Soku: To make love on the same day you meet first time.
・Junsoku: To make love in the first appointment after you meet first time. The moment you make xxxnd appointments is called a quasi(semi) xx soku.
・Appointment/Apo: To meet for a date with a woman. The contents vary from drinking to eating.
・Guda: Women's complaint, objection, resistance. Formal guda is formal objection.
・Alpha male: A person in the first-class, seems to be full of confidence. Gestures and behavior are superb.
・PUA : PUA stands for Pick Up Artist. In Japan, the literal translation is a Nanpa-guy. The true meaning is a first-class pick-up artist. He attracts and sarges many HBs.
・AFC: Abbreviation of Average Frustrated Chump(man). A third-rate (or lower) pick-up artist.
・Stonan, Netnan: Abbreviation for Street pick-up, Picking up girls using the Internet.
・Solonan, Combi: Picking up a girl alone. Picking up girls with your friends.
・Wing: a partner in a duo(your picking-up friend).
・Routine: The technique used each time.
・LG, TG: Get the line, get the phone number.
・Boomerang: Exchange contacts unilaterally(one way) and wait for a response from a girl.
・Soku: To make love on the same day you meet first time.
・Junsoku: To make love in the first appointment after you meet first time. The moment you make xxxnd appointments is called a quasi(semi) xx soku.
・Appointment/Apo: To meet for a date with a woman. The contents vary from drinking to eating.
・Guda: Women's complaint, objection, resistance. Formal guda is formal objection.
・Alpha male: A person in the first-class, seems to be full of confidence. Gestures and behavior are superb.
・PUA : PUA stands for Pick Up Artist. In Japan, the literal translation is a Nanpa-guy. The true meaning is a first-class pick-up artist. He attracts and sarges many HBs.
・AFC: Abbreviation of Average Frustrated Chump(man). A third-rate (or lower) pick-up artist.
・Stonan, Netnan: Abbreviation for Street pick-up, Picking up girls using the Internet.
・Solonan, Combi: Picking up a girl alone. Picking up girls with your friends.
・Wing: a partner in a duo(your picking-up friend).
・Routine: The technique used each time.
・LG, TG: Get the line, get the phone number.
・Boomerang: Exchange contacts unilaterally(one way) and wait for a response from a girl.
[When start talking]
・Ganshika: No response at all when you speak to a girl. The state of being ignorant averted and stigmatized.
Tachidome: To stop a woman from walking when speaking to her and shift to talking(opener and routine).
・Million Dollar Smile: The best smile.
・Jizo (Jizo Bodhisattva): He became too timid to speak to her.
・45do angle rule: When speaking to women, it is easier to succeed if you take a step forward and speak to them from a 45 degree angle.
・Stochi: Women's level of appearance, 1 to 10. It is also called street level SUTOKOU/TEN(high, ten point), SUTOTEI/TEI (low one point).
・Turtle Lady: Slow-walking women.
・Kyoro-chan: A woman wandering looking around.
・Sokukei: A woman with an atmosphere that is easy to match and directly go to sexual relationship, such as wearing mismatched clothes.
・3 byou Rule: It's an PUA fields saying that if you want to speak to someone, you should do so within 3 seconds.
・RENAIHENREKI HIKIDASHI(Love Values Drawing) Routine: A question used to communicate a woman's various love values.
・Mirroring: Mimicking a woman's expression or posture. It could lead to a relationship of trust.
・Boyfriend Destruction Gun: A word to a woman who has a boyfriend to break through Guda of that reason.
・TOKBETSU KAN NO ENSHUTSU (Staging the special feeling): I don't with just anybody.
・Nagomi(comfort): Having conversations with women to build a relationship of trust/ peace of mind.
・NEG: To communicate lack of interest in the target woman. It's different from making fun of or slandering women.
・Hand test: Try holding hands to see if Guda occurs.
・GiRa: Inviting women to love(sexual) relation(act) (directly)
・LH: Love Hotel
・RR: Rental Room
・Kondo-san: Contraceptives
・Parker theory: Its etymology is unknown. Giving reasons. If we buy alcohol and join LH, giving reasons such as "I bought it.".
・Funiki Buchikowashi(Kill good Atmosphere) Routine: When a GiRa fails, try to break through the Guda by making the atmosphere much worse.
・GiRa: Inviting women to love(sexual) relation(act) (directly)
・LH: Love Hotel
・RR: Rental Room
・Kondo-san: Contraceptives
・Parker theory: Its etymology is unknown. Giving reasons. If we buy alcohol and join LH, giving reasons such as "I bought it.".
・Funiki Buchikowashi(Kill good Atmosphere) Routine: When a GiRa fails, try to break through the Guda by making the atmosphere much worse.
・Catch Me You Can: Encouraging women to chase you.
・PUA:Pick Up Artistの略。日本での訳はナンパ師に近いが、意味合いは一流の女性口説きの達人のこと。
・AFC:Average Frustrated Chumpの略。平均的欲求不満男。三流以下のナンパ師。
noun /[náun]ナウン/名詞/名詞/Lv.1
quasi/[kwéizài] [kwáːzi ]クエイザイ、クワージ/形容詞、副詞/疑似の、類似の、外見上の、うわべだけの、準~、~に準じる、外見上、ある程度/Lv.3
semi/semi-/セミ/接頭辞(名詞、形容詞)/半…、の半分、いくぶん…、やや、に 2 回/Lv.3
contraceptive/[kɑ̀ntrəséptiv ]カントゥラセプティヴ/形容詞、名詞/避妊(用)の、避妊薬、避妊具 /Lv.3
etymology /[ètəmɑ́lədʒi] エタマロジィ/名詞/語源(学)/Lv.3
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