

​Women falter 2

​"IT DOESN'T MATTER HOW LONG we are with together. There is a LOVE  AT FIRST SIGHT."
​"I think timing is important for love, not the length of relationships."
​"I was attracted by your charm when we met and talked today."
​"I want to make it a special day today."
​"I want to know more about you."
​"I know you're refusing. I don't think so."
​It is not easy , but tells them that we are attracted by the charm each other, so you shift to the direction of you want to know her better. And you do not want her to let go. ​It's best to switch from length of the relationship or easy flirt to something else.

​I don't go out and have it with people I don't know
​"We're not in such relation"
​"It's good once to be in a love relationship"
​In a sense, if they are in a love relationship, they can say that it is OK. So it is possible that they are trying to find out whether we are willing to be so.
​"Come with me."
​"I thought we were already dating."
​"I just want you to be mine today."
​"I don't know if we're already dating, but I feel real."
​"I want you to know that I'm not such a crook."
​On your first date, wording "I thought we were dating." is a bit tough, so tell them you don't have any crooked feelings. ​However, it is better not to use the term "go out with" as much as possible because it can cause trouble later.
I (you) said I(you) wouldn't do anything weird
​"YOU TOLD me you won't do ANYTHING WEIRD ・・・"
​What is "queer thing"? ​In the first place, it is not strange for a man and a woman to have sex.
​"Is it strange to have sex with someone you like?"
​"If you don't do strange things, it's not not to have sex."
​It's just a quibble, but it's kind of weird to just go into a hotel and do nothing. ​When you invite someone to a hotel, it is common to say, "I just want to rest. I won't do anything weird". ​The point is not to say, "do nothing".

I'm having my period
​"Sorry, I have my period today ・・・"
​Because they use odors, dirt, and poor physical condition as excuses, you give consideration to her.
And you don't worry about it.
​"I did it on her period with my ex-girlfriend. I'm fine."
​"Then let's go to the hotel, so don't worry."
​"I'll put a bath towel, so it's okay."

I didn't mean to
​"I didn't mean ・・・"
​There is no excuse for her coming up here and having no possibility when a man and a woman meet together... But she is just looking for a nice excuse, so it's a good idea to pretend at first to be not so but later motivated.

​"I'm sorry, I was the same, but I couldn't keep it under"
​"I thought it was rude to let you go because..."
You didn't mean to do that either, but you can pretend that you were attracted by the time you two spent together and that she moved your heart, not your ulterior motive.

​There are other patterns like this. ​Shift to your own pace
​If you just follow the example of the above Guda, you will be following the opponent's pace. ​Of course, you can break it, and you can bring it to your own pace and seduce it.

​"You don't like me? do you?"
​By asking that question, you can switch themes and take the initiative. ​Because we are asking questions, they need to think about the answer, and it is easier to confuting it because it instigates feeling of guilt .

​Most of them are "I DON'T HATE..., BUT...".  
If her answer is not like this, you should restart your comfort phase again.

​The next step is to "I like you. I see you.", "I'm not a traitor." , and proceed to the closing.

teasing pattern

​"Did your boyfriend make you into a no under hair?"
​This only will not destroy Guda, but it will calm the situation. ​Sometimes it's effective to change the pace, so it might be a good idea to start laughing.

​Of course, there are many other ways to break it up, and a smooth talker can break any Guda. ​However, it is difficult for beginners to do so from the very beginning, so it is safe to sublimate through experience on your own from this kind of royal road .

​Also, if you don't know the reason why she is Gudagudaring, you can ask with a straight ball. ​It may be menstruation or another reason. ​Sometimes you can see the truth.

​Why does she suddenly falter in front of the hotel?
​There was nothing wrong with it, but it suddenly starts  just before entering the hotel...there are may walkers hearing you. It was an embarrassing situation for men, and I wanted to get things under control as soon as possible, but for women, it was an unbearable situation.

​In such a case, it is best not to get impatient, but to respect the wishes of the woman in her ear, saying "Everyone's watching, so let's talk in the room." or "I'M NOT GOING TO DO ANYTHING WEIRD, SO LET'S JUST GO IN." and to make the situation go round. ​Even though she refuse it , she do care people around her.

​… and once you two get in the room, you do that.

​"A man and a woman entered a love hotel together." At this point, no matter what they say, people around see them to have screwed up. ​It is more unnatural that you don't do it when you enter a love hotel, generally.

​Then you can refute the "I won't do anything weird." excuse for going into a love hotel, and ​if they think we did it even if we didn't, why don't we do it?​ ​situation... i.e. "where there is no loss at all" can be created. ​Then women will come up with it.

​By mere quibbling, it's like wordplay, but since I didn't say "do nothing" it's not a lie. ​Therefore, it is not a bad idea to say, "go in for the time being".

...​Give up if you can't break it.








男女がここまで二人で会っている時点で可能性がゼロなんて言い訳は通用しないが... 彼女は、体裁の良い言い訳を探しているだけなので、始めはそうでなかったが、それから、気持ちが動いたということにするのが有効だ。












sublimate/動詞[sʌ́bləmèit]名詞 [sʌ́bləmət]サブリメイト/動詞、名詞/昇華させる、本能的な衝動を昇華させる、昇華する、昇華物/Lv.3
hearing/[híəriŋ]ヒヤリング/名詞、形容詞/聴覚、聴力、聞こえる範囲、発言する(聞いてもらう)機会、公聴会、聴聞会、聴聞、審理、公判、聴者の、耳が聞こえる人々の、耳が聞こえる、健聴者、 hearの現在分詞、動名詞形/Lv.1

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Appendix2 and Farewell

ブログに出てこなかった、レベル0から2の単語一覧 Lv.2の一覧 altitude/[ǽltitùːd]アルチチュードゥ/名詞/高さ、海抜、標高、高度/Lv.2 arctic/[ɑ́rktik] アークティク/形容詞/北極(圏)の、北極地方の/Lv.2 artery/[ɑ...